The closest point in the United States to Europe is Hamlin, Maine. The closest point in Europe to the United States is Achill Head, County Mayo, Ireland. The closest point in mainland Europe to the United States is Cabo Touriñán, Galicia, Spain.

Other places: The closest point in the US to Africa Point Nemo Main Page

Course/ Circle #Point #Point/Center LatitudePoint/Center LongitudeDistance/ RadiusAzimuthTotal Distance /Circumference
1047 03 57 N067 47 25 W
1153 58 33 N010 15 02 W2171572171
2 47 03 57 N067 47 25 W2171 12751
3 53 58 33 N010 15 02 W2171 12751
4047 03 57 N067 47 25 W
4143 03 18 N009 17 56 W2432732432
5 47 03 57 N067 47 25 W2432 14039
6 43 03 18 N009 17 56 W2432 14039

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