The closest point in the United States to Africa is Quoddy Head State Park, Maine. The closest point in Africa to the United States is in Safi Province, Morocco. Cape Bojador, Western Sahara is close second.

Other places: The closest point in the US to Europe Point Nemo Main Page

Course/ Circle #Point #Point/Center LatitudePoint/Center LongitudeDistance/ RadiusAzimuthTotal Distance /Circumference
1044 48 23 N066 57 46 W
1132 32 51 N009 16 41 W2740852740
2 44 48 23 N066 57 46 W2740 15449
3 32 32 51 N009 16 41 W2740 15449
4044 48 23 N066 57 46 W
4126 15 41 N014 24 02 W2741962741

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